Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Where have the action movies gone?

The 80's and the 90's brought so many great action movies that I became spoiled. Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Van Damme, Seagal....these guys were great back then. Their movies were not the best acted, they didn't have the best writing, the dialogues were cheesy....but they were not supposed to be perfect movies. I want a good arm breaking like Seagal delivered in Hard to Kill, or I want to see a man get killed with a flying saw blade ala Schwarzenegger in Commando, or perhaps watching Stallone slaughter an entire enemy army in a Rambo movie. Where are these type of movies now a days? The sad thing is that I have to grasp on to these aging action stars while they try to reinvent themselves. I would love to have a whole new crop of action stars that could bring the genre back. There are a few guys who have potential but they are few and far between. The guy that I think has delivered the most in present day is Jason Statham. I have really enjoyed his performances in the Crank movies and the Transporter series. I think Daniel Craig is another guy that would make a great action guy but it seems that the Bond movies have been put on hold. Although I don't prefer this version of Bond over the Brosnan or Connery version, I do appreciate his stlye and he is very believable as a badass. I enjoy Matt Damon in the Bourne Movies but I feel Damon might put that type of movie in his rear view. There are a couple of guys who have definitely dropped the ball....Vin Diesel and the Rock. I remember when all I could hear about was how great and tough Vin Diesel was....I will admit I was willing to give the guy a chance. He made Pitch Black which I did enjoy but he has done absolutely nothing since. The Fast and the Furious movies are so terrible that I can hardly sit through the whole movie. There are no people that I hate more than fans of the Fast and Furious movies..lol If you are one ..sorry.  Diesel has the look and the attitude to be a good action star but would rather do movies like the Pacifier. I mean really? Yeah I know Arnold did Kindergarten Cop and Junior....but at least he had a resume of movies like the Terminator, Predator, and True Lies. The Rock has to be the biggest disappointment out there...what a sell out. His inaugural foray into the action genre was pretty enjoyable in the Rundown. The movie actually has a scene where Arnold passes the torch to the Rock as a possible replacement for his throne. I don't think Arnold would have done that if he knew that you would don tights and play the Tooth Fairy in a movie....the Rock and Julie Andrews sharing the screen....what's wrong with this picture? He had the most potential to fill that role but decided to sign his career over to light hearted crapfest comedies. Escape to Witch Mountain was a steaming pile of monkey crap. Where have the real men gone? I also hate the fact that studios are ruining action movies by making them pg13. A pg13 Die Hard movie? Who wants to see that ?....Yippe ki yay Mother freaker...stop neutering the action genre. I have to admire Sly though...that juiced up freak really loves the old school action movies and tries to keep them alive today. I enjoyed the Expendables but there just seemed to be something missing. The movie almost seemed to be a spoof of action movies instead of an actual one. I really enjoyed his latest Rambo movie...that was a true throwback to the 80's....he practically killed all of Burma with that mounted gun...it's silly but who cares..it's fun...... The reality today is that the Sci fi genre has become the source of great action movies. Comic book movies, the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter series..that is where to find some decent action. Maybe society has changed and movies like Lethal Weapon and Under Siege are not what the public wants. I guess they would rather watch brooding teen vampires and terrible spoof movies. Perhaps they would like John McClane to walk around politely scolding terrorists and shooting them with marshmallow slingshots. I guess if the mindless masses will pay 10 bucks to see it they will continue to make them that way. I will always prefer the arm breaking, decapitating, bad pun saying action movies from my youth. I actually am excited to see the new movie Red with Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, John Malkovich, and...Helen Mirren? The movie looks fun but again it's filled with aging actors....Vin Diesel and the Rock need to stop being such pansies and make some decent action flicks..oh wait ...the Rock and Vin Diesel are teaming up in....the new Fast and the Furious movie...that right .. I'm not joking....they are making yet another classic. I guess I will settle for Helen Mirren ..ya hear that boys....I prefer Helen Mirren as an action star over you bitches.


  1. yes. correct.
    i think the real issue is that they have 10x the budget now, the same terrible writing - but douchebags who think they are really good actors and over-act the lines/scenes. then, they always toss in some off-the-wall side-plot involving some stupid fucking love story... no longer is it about some hardass, giant mothefucker tossing out one liners as he murders an entire populace of asians -- no longer is it about the biggest gun that never needs reloading, or the body count as more explosions than a fourth of july celebration occur. no longer is it about blatant womanizing, as the damsel realizes how badass the guy killing everything in sight's witty sense of humor is (and, as she should, throws herself at him for 5m of steamy screen time then is thrown to the wayside as more killing starts) --- the way i see it, the problem now is the above... no longer do you have low budget, semi-bad (not for the time) special effects that you just love, loose-storyline-writing, over the top action, with REAL badass actors who can deliver the lines (when you get passed arnolds accent, i actually believe hes a terribly good actor for his roles) --- it used to just be: ok, lets have an ex-seal's daughter captured by terrorists, here's a big gun, talk some shit, the end. NOW its all: you're a deep person, and very philisophical, you really dont want to kill anyone and would prefer to talk things over. your marriage is in shambles, but in your heart of hearts you realize that things just may work out if you keep at it. your daughter might have been taken hostage by well-meaning teenage asians, you should probably give them some ransom money but just in case, take your unloaded .22 pistol to show them whose boss. skip ahead to a love plot where you and your wife bake a cake for 30m that no one cares about but it shows how deep and caring you are. somehow you rescue your teenage daughter while only bruising slightly one perp's nose, and you say casually, "sorry, let me take you to the hospital, and lets help you change your life" the end.

    FUCK im angry...

