Thursday, March 1, 2012

Bill's Entertainment rant.....March Edition

I have been neglecting my blog as of late because I've just been too busy with the little rugrat. There are alot of entertainment topics I was dying to write about so I've turned my cable box to PBS and Ive parked Jeffery in front of the tv. Let's do this!

Bill Murray a no go for Ghostbusters 3- Dan Ackroid has made it official that Bill Murray will not be a part of Ghostbusters 3. I have very mixed feelings on this. I think that Bill Murray is kinda an asshole for holding up the process for so long. We get it Bill, your a serious comedic actor now and unless Wes Anderson or a lame cartoon cat come calling you are content showing up on golf course and making wealthy white men laugh. I understand his feeling that old fat Ghostbusters are not that appealing but frankly just say no 4 years ago. They wrote a script involving you because you just wouldnt say no and now you have left them in limbo. My opinion on a Ghostbusters movie is that they need just to reboot it with a very limited involvement from the original cast. I will always prefer an original movie to a remake or reboot but if they are going to do it anyway then limit the fat old guys to 10 minutes of screen time. I would love a new Ghostbusters unit of Jonah Hill, Paul Rudd, Jason Segal, and Seth Rogan. I like the dynamic of these actors and they have all worked together. Maybe Ackroid can play Slimer this go around.

Avengers or Dark Knight- This will definitely go down as one of the most anticipated movie summers on record. A reboot of Spiderman, Men in Black 3, Expendables 2, the list goes on and on but it really just comes down to two movies Dark Knight Rises and Avengers. The nerd in me is so pumped for both of these movies. My question to all of you is which movie are you more excited in seeing. My answer to that may be a little shocking to people I nerd up with. I am more excited for the Avengers movie. Do I think it will be better than Dark Knight?....No, probably not. The thing is that I know what to expect from the Batman movies. They are amazing movies and the Dark Knight was probably the greatest comic movie of all time. The Avengers though is a comic movie that as a child I would never have expected to ever become a movie. The cool factor just trumps anything Dark Knight has to offer. I also have worries that despite the skill of Christopher Nolan to craft perfect Batman movies can he really improve on the last one. The novelty of most of the Avengers having already had their own movies and are now joining up is just flat out great. I feel that Dark Knight Rises will be the better movie but the Avengers will be more fun.

I am officially over George Lucus Star Wars was probably the single most important movie experience of my life. The movie and toys were the catalysts for my life as a big old nerd and I will always hold the original trilogy in the highest regards. The creator of these movies, George "no neck" Lucus has lost his ability to relate to audiences. His obsession with the latest technology in CGI has made him a lazy filmmaker. The prequels were awful and i can't even sit through them. They recently re-released the Phantom Menace in 3d and I had 0 desire to see it. He replaced real sets with completely fake CGI ones and the movies just felt heartless. The dialogue was so stiff and terrible that I'd rather listen to Gilbert Godfried filibuster congress then listen to one more line of dialogue. After the stinkquels he then decided to ruin another franchise. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull was a movie I was so looking forward to. Sometimes you just have to leave movies alone and just remember them for how great they were. An almost 70 year old Indiana and terrible unnecessary CGI just ruined the movie. I really do believe now that Lucus was more lucky than talented back in the 70's. I recently read an interview with him and he talked about how he is retiring from blockbuster filmmaking because of the criticism of his latest movies. The tone of the interview almost seemed like he wants to "punish" us for not like his movies....retiring from directing will not punish us one cares. The original Star Wars will always have a special place in my heart but having Lucus not directing anymore films is perfectly alright with me.

Twilight Eclipse pt 1 review- Robin and I watched the lastest Twilight movie on Valentines Day. I have seen all of them and should have my geek membership card revoked for doing so. They have all been terrible but this one was the citizen Kane of shittyness. I actually almost enjoy watching them just to see how bad they can get. The first hour of this movie was nothing but them hanging out on a honeymoon. Absolutely nothing was happening! I will never understand why a Vampire and a Werewolf would be fighting over Kristen Stewert. She is just not attractive to me. Now if they were fighting over that future seeing vamp Ashley Greene then maybe I could see it. Robert Pattison or however you spell his last name is quite annoying but nowhere annoying as the whining bitch Taylor Lautner. If that Douche bag was in my wolf pack I would have euthanized him. The acting is so terrible and the CGI wolves are god awful. How can a movie make so much money and still have shitty CGI wolves? I would pay good money to break Wesley Snipes out of prison so he could do a cross-over blade movie and slaughter all of the Cullens and the brooding teen douchey wolf pack. That being said...I can't wait for part 2.

Well that's it for now and I apologize ahead of time for spelling and sentence structure...I write these on the fly on my iPad and don't really proof read them.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, twilight was pretty bad...Lol. but I appreciate you watching it with me...
