Monday, October 18, 2010

I hate getting older.

The last couple of days I have been in agonizing pain.  I have noticed that lately I have been getting sick on a more regular basis and the simplest of activities makes me sore now.  I am pushing 40 now and I really wish Doc Brown would show up  in his Delorean and take me back to 1985.  I remember the days when I could go out to the local park and play basketball for hours in 90 degree heat and then get up the next day and do it all over again.  The condo that Robin and I just recently moved into has a basketball court and a workout room and I thought to myself "I will try and get myself back in shape"....So I walked down to the office and borrowed their basketball and went and shot some baskets the other day.  My shins were immediately sore and it took all of 15 minutes of just shooting the ball and I was already done.  I was so depressed afterwards.  I was such a sports fanatic when I was younger...I used to play Basketball, Tackle Football, Baseball, bowled, Softball, I even was a fanatic Frisbee Golfer...that's right Frolf!, the sport of champions!  I would spend all day playing those sports and was ready for more.  I was such a competitive guy back then that I would drop everything for a chance to play some full court basketball.  I'm still competitive but its now stuff like board games, Jeopardy with my wife, Call of Duty on I've always been a heavy guy but that didn't stop me when I was younger.  I remember about a year ago when I was at UC and in between classes I went to the gym and started a pick up game with these guys that were basically half my age.  I held my own for about 10 minutes and then I felt like Jabba the Hut out there.  I was gasping for air and my feet were hurting so much.  I realize now that the pain in my feet was probably a result of the undiagnosed diabetes that I have but still I used to be able to hangwith the young'uns.  Playing sports and being competitive used to be everything to me and now I see that window of opportunity almost completely closed.  Now I am full on Geek.....Movies, TV, Video Games....don't get me wrong I love all of that stuff.  I have just come to the realization that I'm too old now to do that athletic stuff on a regular basis anymore.  The past couple of days I have had these intense pains in my abdomen and I was searching all over the web to find out what exactly it could be. I am very stubborn person when it comes to going to the doctor but I finally buckled and decided that I needed to go to the emergency room.  The whole time I was sitting in the ER I noticed how many old people were in there.  I thought to myself, "This is my future"  I did get some reassurance from my nurse when she took my blood pressure and my other vitals and she told me that I had the "vitals of a young man"....Woohoo!  That made me feel pretty good.  I weigh around 265lbs and anytime I can go into the doctor's office and they tell me that my blood pressure is good I will take it.  I finally got a Cat scan and they determined it wasn't anything serious but they couldn't pinpoint exactly what was causing my pain.  They did say that I had diverticulitis and I needed to eat more....fiber....<sigh> I'm already being told to eat more fiber...DOH!  I will admit that I often eat terribly and it has begun to catch up with me.  I have been able to cut out alot of the sugar in my diet as of late because of the Diabetes diagnosis.  Now I've got to eat more fiber....ugggh....Next thing you know I will be eating the early bird special dinner at 4pm with all of the other senior citizens.  I will probably need one of those med alert bracelets just in case I fall and I can't get up.  I have to keep positive though!  I will probably try for the 42nd time to go on a diet and get my weight down another 20 or 30 pounds.  The older you get the harder it is to take off.  Unfortunately they never found out why I am having these abdominal pains and just put me on Percocet.   The pain is still killing me as I am typing this. I'm thinking it probably has something to do with the recent move into the new place.  I probably moved 90% of our stuff by myself and afterwards I felt like someone had hit me with a truck.  I didn't feel anything initially but I sure am paying for it now.  Why can't I be 18 again?  Things would be so much better.  I remember the days when I could eat anything and it wouldn't bother me.  I never burped at all until i hit 30....ever since then I am a burping machine.  I don't want to get gross here but another problem I have encountered is IBS.  Sometimes I will eat something and I immediately have to run to the bathroom.  I can't even  describe the intense feeling of panic that comes over you when you may or may not make it to the bathroom in time.  The sad thing is that I'm only 38!  I can't imagine the fun I'm going to be having when I'm 50 years old.    I guess I will just deal with it.  I hope that I'm not the only one at my age dealing with these issues.  Please speak will make me feel better....;)

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