Monday, October 18, 2010

Should they make another Ghostbuster's movie?

Dan Ackroid is really trying.  Every other month I hear a different story on how Ackroid is hard at work trying to bring a second sequel to the hit 80's classic The Ghostbousters.  I would love to see another Ghostbusters movie if it is done right.  The problem I am having is that from every indication that I have heard Bill Murray is not exactly excited about being in another one.  The rumor going around is that if Bill Murray is apart of the new movie it will be more of a cameo than anything.  I love Dan Ackroid and Harold Ramis but if Bill Murray isn't on board with a new movie then just don't bother.  I don't want to see a lack luster Ghostbuster movie that attempts to bring in a whole new crew of young 20 something guys.  The magic of the original was the chemistry between the Ghostbusters and lets be honest Bill Murray was the glue that kept that together.  Bill Murray seems to be more interested these days trying to win Oscars than being that witty guy that we all loved in the 80's. I understand that maybe he wants to expand his acting resume and maybe distance himself from the goofball comedies that he is famous for.  I just miss the guy <tear>.  I have to admit reading some of the interviews lately with Bill it seems almost if he ashamed of his comedic roles of the past.  The guy can act...there is no denying that.  I just wish every so often Bill would give us a comedy again.  I realize the guy is 60 years old now but if Zombieland is any proof then he is more than capable of still making us all laugh.  He has always been hesitant to do another Ghostbusters movie but in the meantime he has done two Garfield movies.  Those movies are terrible.  I just don't get it.  Why would you turn your nose up at a new Ghostbuster movie and then go and do a horrendous piece of shit like Garfield?  I will never understand that.   I guess some of the writers from the Office TV show are now helping Ackroid wirte another Ghostbusters movie.   The rumor going around is that Bill Murray's role will be as a ghost of Peter Venkman.  I don't want to see a 10 minute cameo of the best part of the Ghostbuster movies.  There seems to be alot of talk about Siguorney Weaver's son in the movie turning out to be one of the new breed of Ghostbusters.  If they end up making the movie, of course I will be there if Bill is in it or not.  I will always give a successful movie from my childhood a chance to prove that they can recapture that magic.  I guess if they chose a new cast very carefully then maybe the movie won't be a total train wreck.  It will never be as good as the original though.  I have thought about this for quite a bit and if I had to sit through a new cast for a Ghostbusters then this is what my my dream team of "busters" would look like.....I feel that you have to have a Venkman type and I personally would go with Paul Rudd.  I think he has got the sarcasm thing down and I just love his work as a whole.  I then would probably go with Jonah Hill because of how excitable he is and that fact alone would be a great formula for encountering ghosts.  My next choice is perhaps a stretch but I would like to see Tracy Morgan as a Ghostbuster.  The guy is just flat out insane but of course he probably couldn't pass for a scientist type so he would probably be more like the Ernie Hudson role (and not because he is black).  I think my final role would go to someone like Jay Baruchel.  He would be a decent choice for the nerdy guy.  I think that would be good foursome but like I said I don't think they could recapture the magic of the original.  Overall I have mixed feelings about a new one.  I'm guessing it will eventually happen because Hollywood has become lazy as of late and they have had a hard time coming up with original material.  Either way I will be there will bells on if it happens.

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