Friday, October 15, 2010

Movie Review: Night of the Living Dead in 3d

I just got back from watching a showing of the George Romero classic Night of the Living Dead in 3d and I have to say.....STOP MAKING MOVIES IN 3d....This movie needs to stay in its original form.  The 3d in this movie is practically non-existent and the majority of it will give you a headache it is so bad.  The other problem with this movie was that it was colorized and I have a huge pet peeve of colorization of black and white classics.  I always hated seeing the Three Stooges colorized.  I know the youth of America now a days for the most part will tune something out if it is not colorized, hell I used to do that to but it really takes away from the feel of what it was.  The problem with colorizing movies like this is that some things actually look worse in the colorized version.  There were puddles of blood that just looked tremendously fake when color was added to them.  The movie was no way ever intended for 3d so there was nothing popping out at you.  Just weird shots of items in 3d that really didn't need to be in 3d like women's shoes in a closet....oooohh  I just wish Hollywood would stop with the 3d already..geez.   I know that this was a cool gimmick of having an old classic for one night only in 3d..I get that...but it just didn't work at all.  The movie itself was fun to see again, although it can be painful at times with all the bitching that goes on in the house.  The acting is terrible but you have to take a step back and realize when this movie was made.  We have to give credit to Romero for introducing the world to the slow moving cannibal zombies.  We wouldn't have Zombieland if not for Night of the Living Dead. It was an overall fun experience, anytime you can get out with the fellas and watch a classic movie thats a good time but I did leave with a huge headache from the terrible 3d.  I would still recommend the movie just for nostalgic reasons so if you have never seen the original and get a chance to..go for it ....just take the 3d glasses off. 

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