Friday, October 15, 2010

My A-hole(s) of the week: Bill O'reilly....and the women of the View

I am first off going to preface this blog with stating that I really don't care about politics. Maybe I should but to be honest I have a serious problem with both parties and their celebrity supporters. I think that any American that votes the way some of these idiot celebrities do deserves what they get. That being said the spectacle that was Bill O'reilly on the view was just a big huge publicity stunt and nothing more. Both parties in the "stunt" had an idea that something like that would explode on the air and it benefits both parties. If you weren't blessed enough to see the train wreck that happened on the view yesterday here is a synopsis. They were talking about the possible Mosque that is being built near or on where the World Trade Center buildings were in New York City. They argued back and forth like children for a little bit and then Bill said it "We were killed by Muslims on 9/11".......big shocker that he would say something like that. I completely don't agree with Bill O'reilly's statement, you should never lump an entire religion of people into a group that caused so much horror for so many people. Of course Whoopi and Joy Behar reacted like they always do...Whoopi cussed him out and both of them stormed off the set. Give me a freaking break ladies! If I saw that interview on the street then yes I can understand why you would storm off but you are on the View and your guest is Bill O' knew that was coming. This whole situation helps 3 people.....Barbara Walters and her ratings, Joy Behar and her ratings on her headline news show, and of course Bill O'reilly and his ratings. Americans need to use their brain and realize what is going on here. I have mixed feelings about the topic because I can see it from both perspectives. Ideally I think that it would be great as a people that we could show the world that we can allow this Mosque to be built and show that we are not lumping all Muslims together. In my opinion that would really show how great this country is. The only problem is that I was not directly affected by the 9/11 tragedies. I didn't have a friend or relative die and even though I am an American and I did lose fellow Americans that isn't the same as losing someone close. I can understand a group of people having a problem with the building of this Mosque. It's not easy to put aside things like religious affiliation when your life had been ruined. I ultimately feel that the Muslims should just find somewhere else to build this Mosque...they need to take the high road on this. It may not be right but it makes the most sense to me. I really believe that you a going to make yourself a target if you build the Mosque there and why chance that?  I realize that I probably should just take a strong stance either way but sometimes you have to step back and put yourself in other peoples shoes.  It's not that easy of solution and I'm glad I don't have to make that ultimate decision.  As far as the View and Bill O'reilly....they need to donate their advertising revenue for the next week to both the victim funds of 9/11 and to the Muslim religion because they are profiting from exploiting both of them. Shame on both of you.  The one thing that I can take a firm stance on are all these celebrity douche bags who force their political views down peoples throats.  Why should you vote the way Glenn Beck or Tim Robbins votes?  Do you really think that those guys are sensitve to the problems that you encounter on a daily basis?....NOOOO they live in their mansions, they dont have to worry about eating every week, they more than likely dont have a mortgage or a car payment to worry about.  I just feel if you are going to make a sound decision on a political party or who you are going to vote for President then you should do the research and not listen to Oprah.  I really wish there could be a third major party to see if they could keep the other two honest but who am I fooling?....They would probably end up just like the two we have now....This is why I dont like to write about politics because it just depresses me.  I am not a Republican or a Democrat..I am for whoever doesn't F up this country any more than it has been the last 10 years or so. 

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