Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My views on Gay Rights.

I usually will pass on topics like this because I like to keep things light on my blog but this is something that bothers me about our society.  I can't be more of a guys guy.  I love action movies, sports, and of course ...the ladies (Just you Robin of course ;))  Saying that I don't understand how still in this modern era that people can still think homosexuality is a choice.  Lets just play devils advocate and say it is a what?....What is the big freaking deal?  Its all about love.  Why does it matter?  People just get so bent out of shape about the dumbest shit.  I understand the majority of the views are a result of the upbringing of a person but at some point you have to take a step back and realize what the truth really is.  Common sense has to take over.  The issue has made national news lately because of two issues....Gay marriage and Don't ask Don't tell.  I have never understood the objection to homosexuals marrying.  People argue that gay people just get married for the benefits and they destroy the institution of marriage.  Um lets see..the last time I checked 51% of marriages end up in divorce..soooo maybe we should concentrate more on educating the whole population on marriage and not just singling out a small group of people.  I know there is a huge religious factor in the debate.  I really believe that if there is a God that he would be glad to see all of his children happy.  Religion is something that should be used to help progress the human race and not something to judge people who are different.  I am not a religious person, I haven't been to church in probably over 20 years but I understand how important religion can be for some people.  Religion should always be used as a tool for understanding and tolerance.  Unfortunately I see religion being used as a crutch to strengthen judgemental people's agendas.  That's a whole other blog though.  The history of man has always shown that the ruling class dehumanizes people who are different to better forward their agenda.  That's why Blacks used to be classified as 3/5 of a person.  Women didn't have the right to vote.  Native Americans were referenced as Savages to show that they were less than human.  This was all done to justify the exploitation of these people.  I think the problem that people have with Gay Marriage is that once Gays have that right...then everyone has to recognize them as equals.....If they keep this from them then they can still classify them as a lower class of citizen.  I think its kind of embarrassing to the human race that people still feel this way.  I'm not saying you have to like them but you should respect them and they should have every right that a normal American has.  Why do we make such a big deal about Homosexuals getting married but straight people can marry 5 or 6 times and that's ok?  Kids are getting married when they are 18 and 19 and are divorced by 20....shouldn't we concentrate on why the institution of marriage as whole is not working.  The other issue being the Don't ask Don't tell where soldiers should have the right to be openly gay in the military is basically the same deal.  If I was a soldier, the last thing I would be worried about when bullets are flying at my head would be the sexuality of my fellow soldier.  The fact that I'm not a soldier makes me not an expert on this so if any soldiers out there want to give me their opinion that would be great.  I understand that being open about your sexuality in the armed forces could be dangerous but I feel they have the right to be who they are.  I would guess that more times than not ...if there is a gay guy in the platoon..the soldiers already have an idea about it.  Why can't we as a people just get over these dumb stereotypes and just treat each other with respect.  I have to be honest I wasn't always like this.  When I was younger I would call my friends fags or homos when they did something stupid.  I can't say that it might not squeak out now a days but that's guys being guys.  Is it right? NOPE...but I'm trying to be honest here.  The one thing that i don't do is call Homosexuals faggots.  Calling your male friends gay is a hard habit to break and one I have gotten way better about.  The online gaming community does nothing but call each other fags online and it gets quite tiresome hearing a 12 year old playing Call of Duty and yelling that at everyone in the room.  I've had my fair share of gay friends in my life and I find them to be no different than my straight friends.  Yes they are maybe a little more dramatic about things..but hell no one is more dramatic than my wife...;)  Its like I said before you don't have to love them, just respect them.  Do I like to see two guys kissing..Hell No! Two girls...maybe  ;) As a guy it does make me uncomfortable to see two guys kissing but guess what..I don't like to see a guy and a girl kissing right in front of me either.  People need to just get over themselves and worry about their own lives.  Recently I believe 6 gay men committed suicide because of the constant bullying about their sexuality.  This is unacceptable as a people.  I feel like im preaching a bit but hell I get preached at all the time and its my turn.  Its not a disease you or your kids can catch.  I don't think God will strike you with a thunderbolt if you are nice to them.  The institution of marriage is already a joke so gays marrying can probably only help it.  I'm sure I will get some negative responses to this post and that's fine.  Everyone is entitled but this is just an opinion and nothing more.


  1. I agree. In fact in my experience it takes three men to raise a baby into a little lady.

  2. So we meet again Steve! I told Danson and Selleck you'd be back.
